When fitness is a family activity, it can be fun and healthy at the same time. Get ready for fitness bingo!
By Kristen Mayne & Lumino Health
Your kids have energy to burn. They need 60 minutes of exercise every day. Working short bursts of exercise into your family’s routine can help.
That hour of moderate to intense physical activity is essential to children’s physical health, social, and emotional-wellbeing. One study has also found morning exercise sets kids up for success during their school day. Students in the study achieved higher math scores and reported they felt engaged and “ready to learn.” They also had increased physical activity throughout their day.
Getting active helps kids get stronger, stay a healthy weight and lowers their risk of health problems later. It can also lower the likelihood that they’ll use drugs and alcohol, according to the Government of Canada.
Melanie Davis, CEO of Physical and Health Education (PHE) Canada, says we need to move more. “Regular physical activity used to be a part of Canadian life. Today though, Canadians are sitting far too much and moving too little,” she says.
“Within our schools, PHE Canada sees first hand the downward trend of quality physical education programs. It is moved aside to prioritize other subject areas in hopes to realize higher academic achievement. Together, we need to find ways to get our kids moving outside the school day.” But how to fit it in?
How to make family fitness exciting for everyone
Here are 6 ideas for family fitness you can do in the morning, after school – or anytime. Kids Health says exercise for kids is best if it builds in three elements: endurance, strength and flexibility. Try to work each into your family exercise routine.
Rise and shine dance party: Crank the tunes and bust a move. Add some giggles by doing freeze dance. Dance until the DJ pauses the music and everyone has to freeze until the music starts again.
Family aerobics: Get sweating with one of the many family fitness videos on YouTube. You’ll find videos with many different lengths to suit your needs.
Go for a jog with your dog: Do you have a pet dog in the household? Take the whole gang out for a run around the block.
Fitness bingo: Kids love a surprise. They’ll have a lot of fun with a game of fitness bingo. Create your own bingo cardthat contains a list of different activities, movements and actions and print it off. You can create a homemade game spinner with cardboard and a paperclip. As your kids (and you) participate in an activity on the bingo card, cross off the ones you’ve completed until you get a bingo.
Play in the garden or build a snowman: Getting outside has its own health benefits. No matter the season, there are fun activities you can do outside that involve kids too. Plant flowers in the garden, make a leaf fort, build a snowman or have a snowball fight.
Active transportation: Park in the farthest corner of the lot at the grocery store. Then walk to the door with your kids to add more movement to your day. On visits and errands, consider biking, walking or roller blading if it's close enough.
Building a good foundation in the early years of childhood is key, Davis says. “As parents and community members, if we can build their confidence, skills and motivation for physical activity, our kids will be more likely to develop the attitudes and behaviours necessary for leading healthy, physically active lives.” .